Kihlman's SQL - a graphic SQL tutorial
The program is designed to help you master SQL statements. It can be used as an interface against a database. You can also do the test taking you through different levels of difficulty.
During the test you use four tables:
  • A company table
  • A salary table
  • A person table
  • A tax area table

  • It is also possible to create new tables and views.

    Error messages tell you if your spelling is not correct and what is wrong with an SQL statement.
    It is not possible to learn the answers by heart since the names of tables and fields changes each time the program is started. The number of combinations is almost 60 million!
    The program is shareware and free for private use at home. If you use it at work the registration fee is $10 and a school can install it for $100. On registration schools get another version which makes it possible to do exams.
    Mail || Download ver 1.4 64-bit || Download ver 1.4 32-bit || Download ver 1.2 (.Net)
    To use ver 1.2 you need the .net framwork.Check if you have it!
    The .net framework is available for free at: link1 or link2